The busy get busier, but risk comes with reward
I have been averaging about six hours a day working on the FIO. Our new site at is just about completed, and we have a lot to look forward to. This whole experience is an adventure, and I must say I am enjoying it quite thoroughly. To know that the busier I get, the more reward there is for my risk is a good feeling; I live for a high risk to reward ratio. The risk comes in dedicating so much time into something I believe in so strongly, when I could be putting it in where else but the stock market.
There is a lot I still have to learn about the World Wide Web, but every day I am creeping closer to a well developed knowledge base. I added a new live chat system for our community forums, and man was that a project. What was supposed to be a simple, “upload these files to your server and then install,” turned into 10 hours of education, agony, and frustration. The outcome though was well worth it, for now our members can connect with one another any time of the day, regardless of where they located in the world.
Speaking of connecting members, I can’t begin to understand how cool of an experience it has been to see members grow and develop. It is an honor to know that your dedication and time has helped to change someone’s life, and what better life to be then someone who supports your same passion? Each day shows a new opportunity to affect someone in some way, and that knowing is something that drives me to succeed. I love the saying that, “the race does not go to the strong or to the swift, but only to the one that endures until the end.” My pace is turtle, but I make sure each step I take is one of appreciation, dedication, motivation, and leadership. Make way, for the turtle is coming through.
Closing Thought - How big is big? What defines big, for big to you could resemble 1,000 followers, but big to the person next to you could resemble 100,000 followers? Makes you wonder if we are predestined to walk the path we are all on…
To the future always,
There is a lot I still have to learn about the World Wide Web, but every day I am creeping closer to a well developed knowledge base. I added a new live chat system for our community forums, and man was that a project. What was supposed to be a simple, “upload these files to your server and then install,” turned into 10 hours of education, agony, and frustration. The outcome though was well worth it, for now our members can connect with one another any time of the day, regardless of where they located in the world.
Speaking of connecting members, I can’t begin to understand how cool of an experience it has been to see members grow and develop. It is an honor to know that your dedication and time has helped to change someone’s life, and what better life to be then someone who supports your same passion? Each day shows a new opportunity to affect someone in some way, and that knowing is something that drives me to succeed. I love the saying that, “the race does not go to the strong or to the swift, but only to the one that endures until the end.” My pace is turtle, but I make sure each step I take is one of appreciation, dedication, motivation, and leadership. Make way, for the turtle is coming through.
Closing Thought - How big is big? What defines big, for big to you could resemble 1,000 followers, but big to the person next to you could resemble 100,000 followers? Makes you wonder if we are predestined to walk the path we are all on…
To the future always,
All the best to your endeavours, and thank you for all that you've done:)
By Anonymous, at 8:22 AM
It's not about the size it's where you put your eyes that's about the size of it.
Sesame St song :)
By Anonymous, at 9:30 PM
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